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About Abby

I still take handwritten notes and have no plans to change
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So nice to meet you!

Hi There! My name is Abby Calabrese and I am an executive leader, speaker and advocate for alcohol-free living. I have developed a framework to help sober curious women break free from the cycle of drinking and find true freedom.


Over my career, I have gone from a corporate job in NYC to high-growth Silicon Valley startups and eventually worked alongside a Celebrity TV Star as the Chief Operating Officer of his real estate investment company.


I understand what it's like to work incredibly hard for your achievements only to look around and feel...blah. I also know what it feels like to always want to achieve MORE.


Despite my outward success, I was struggling with my relationship with alcohol. It was confusing because I didn't have any of the HUGE signs you often associate with problem drinking. My career was continuing to thrive. My marriage was stable and healthy. It left me confused and full of shame. What was wrong with me?


I finally had enough and decided I was going to do a 100-day challenge with no alcohol. This kicked off a chain of events that changed my life. Through my findings and lessons learned along the way, I developed a framework to help other women that may be in a similar spot to where I was. 


It is SO GREAT on the other side and I'm on a mission to help other women through what I wished I had more help on.

A bit more on my story...

Going way back, my home life was very challenging as a child and I was focused on getting good grades and GETTING OUT. I put a lot of pressure on myself and it felt like a lot was at stake if I was not able to achieve certain accomplishments or obtain certain scholarships.


This hyperdrive focus on achievement continued into college and even followed me into my working life. Since there was no safety net, I had tremendous anxiety about my work performance to keep myself afloat. Alcohol was a way to turn down the dial on these anxious feelings. It allowed me to quiet that anxiety and let loose with friends. It worked, until it didn't.


The pressure to achieve continued and led me to feel like I constantly needed to be doing more, achieving more, more, more, more. It seemed to intensify with each life change (having kids, buying a new house, switching jobs, etc).


Along with this mounting pressure and responsibility came an increased reliance on...alcohol. This was not sustainable. I was waking up irritable and sick (even after two glasses of wine). I woke up anxious and in a shame spiral after most social events where there was drinking. I continuously let myself down when I planned to not drink during the week or limit to two drinks at a function or or or....


I desperately wanted to break free from the cycle of drinking but it was so engrained in my life - it felt impossible.


I could not find any solution that correlated to what I was experiencing. Nothing seemed to fit my style and personality. So, through my own research (and lots of trial and error), I have developed a system to help get to the root cause, change your mindset and find freedom from alcohol for good.


It’s now my goal to share this system with other sober curious individuals out there who know that there’s more to life and who are ready to take the steps to unlock the freedom to live it.



The FunAF Method


My method gets to the root cause of what you make be trying to numb or mask. It's part healing process and part retraining your mind on new habits you want to live by. Through better understanding alcohol, digging deep with your own story and learning better ways to cope you will finally be able to experience true freedom, joy and happiness...alcohol-free.


Rediscover Your JOY


When you reconnect with what brings you genuine happiness, you will notice a ripple effect across your life. It's time to embrace a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

Let’s Work Together

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